Luxury automobiles
The "super luxury" segment (cars costing more than $110,000) is one of only two to show market growth over the last five years.
"The popularity of super luxury sedans among affluent American consumers has opened the door for automakers to roll out a whole new generation of innovative, amenity-laden models, "New models and concepts recently announced by Bentley, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce andCadillac are clear signs that the uber car has returned to the American auto scene."
Ford Lovers: These Environmentally-Friendly Cars are For You
Well, Ford never ceases to continually boost up its green image. This time, lemme’ go through the environmentally friendly cars by Ford. Certainly, Ford is hot on the spotlight with their green cars to meet the skyrocketing demand of consumers who want minimize the negative effects of driving to our environment or escape the soaring prices of gas.
In the succeeding paragraphs, I will go through the green Ford cars that will soon be on our streets. These are purposely designed to emit lesser carbon and are all fuel efficient. But of course, the distinct, classic, stand-out Ford look and experience will always be there.. So, for the Ford lovers who have plans of shifting to green cars but would like to remain faithful to Ford models, these new green Fords must take the lead on your list of choices.
The Escape Hybrid is one of the environmentally friendly cars which the company is proud of. This SUV features 34 miles per gallon. Truth is, this vehicle is being advertised as one of the most fuel efficient SUVs all throughout the world. Do I doubt? Hmmm. How about you, my dear reader? I have no precise data to support such claim but I can say that whether this is true or not, this car is really worth to be seen. One thing I’m certain about after checking this car is that one can exclaim that this is certainly a good choice for the family in need of good space for an SUV without requiring large amount of gas. Additionally, this SUV also meets the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV II) including the standard of the Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle (AT_PZEV). To make it more comprehensible, Escape Hybrid features lower emissions and gives off lesser negative impact on our environment.
Another one is the Ford Focus. This vehicle presents 35 miles per gallon. Ford Focus is actually one of those cars that run on the street and gets a second look from the onlookers or even fellow drivers on the road. This auto was purposely designed as fun to drive without compromising its environmentally friendly feature. Ford Focus is definitely equipped with the recent gadgets to further improve driving satisfaction. The widely talked feature of this auto is its hands-free access to both music and phone.
This car matched its driving power with improved fuel efficiency and minimized emissions. This auto is compatible to every people who belong to any generation. This is great for family, for young adults, teenager, or couple. With Ford Focus, one is helping to preserve the environment and at the same time meets most of his need for a top perfromance car.
Another good option is the Ford Reflex; this auto is still a concept car. Such car as this can be ran with great pride indeed. Why not? Aside from being fuel efficient, this car features great style too. This presents reverse butterfly doors along with a smooth design. At of now, this is said to offer a diesel-electric hybrid engine powered with Lithium-ion batteries. Such batteries can make the Reflex capable of achieving 65 miles per gallon.
Unfortunately, Ford has not yet announced whether this car will soon be in production. Anyhow, if one is really determined to have such car as Reflex, he can consider buying the other makes. More and more manufacturers are producing the same vehicles. But if one is really a lover of Ford and would want to go with nothing but Ford, then, patience will always remain a good virtue.
Slide Concept Car—Ideal for Minimalist

What can you say with this concept of Pikert? Did this spoil your imagination of a cozy car or did you love its unique design. It’s great if you like it, because if ever the genie is true, you will not be able to exchange it for another wish. This concept car is called Slide because of its small size. One can certainly cruise the road with real speed using this car. And this wonderfully utilizes an electric motor to power it. However safety, I strongly presume, is out of the question. The package appears weak enough to be driven along with the big cars, especially it is open.
Anyway, that is my perception. Our views vary. My view on this car is somewhat odd though. Oh yes, I will love to drive this at the park but certainly not on the highway. I don’t want to be standing all throughout my travel. That’s tiring. Neither have I wanted to be burn by the scorching heat of the sun. See it does not have any roofing. Worse, I might be gasping all the poisonous emissions from the not environmentally-friendly cars. That’s gross (Lol). Nevertheless, thank you Mr. Pikert for this car. It is a cool creation to trot along the streets though this is not ideal for everyday driving on the highway with all the suites for the executives.
Accurate Traffic-Lights Control Lessens Road Congestion and Car Emission
Like for instance, try to notice the drive for lower car emissions to battle the worsening case of global warming. Isn’t that most of us focus on the latest production of eco-friendly cars? More and more vehicle manufacturers are also focusing on their eco-friendly cars concepts too. However, we tend to overlook some things that also trigger greater production of car emissions. Malfunctioning traffic lights are few of those.
According to the National transportation operations Coalition, almost 75 percent of traffic lights in
However, this signal-timing systems are said to be difficult to program and are expensive. This is why only few roads are installed with these. The local politicians are also not very willing to invest large sum for these recent technologies. Because of this, almost 95 percent of traffic signals are still driven by timer. This is a sad thing, if people can invest and exert extra effort on the latest cars and even concept cars maybe it is not impossible to invest on this kind of technology as well. Anyhow, this will not only benefit some members of the society but all members of the society. So, why don’t we center our focus to everything that is helpful in reducing the amount of emissions to effectively battle global warming instead on focusing on one area alone?
Active Youngsters find Ways in Resolving Global Warming
It seems that our high schools studs are active to battle the climate change huh! There are several high school students now who are actively participating in solving the threat of global warming by conducting some programs, activities, and drives. This is so gladdening. At a young age, these youngsters are not just aware on the present dilemma faced by their planet but are also making an aid to resolve it even little ways. Well, little things count.
Lately, I heard about a young boy from
This time I have read another feature again wherein high school students acted to plant trees to offset the carbon emissions of their school bus. This environmentally-themed group of high schoolers is based in
The program discusses all about carbon emissions and incorporated the goal to offset these. The students were encouraged to take an outdoor activity that will enable them to plant some trees. Meantime, the goal is to plant the trees donated by the local nursery, which ranges to 1,100 trees, that’s really plenty. These trees are planned to be planted into the former wooden site but was accidentally wrecked by the fire a year ago. I do believe that there are still numbers of youngsters out there who have great concern to our environment. And our part as adults is to impart the awareness and knowledge they necessitate.
Save Your Fund and Energy for Leiba
Now, as we can see, this vehicle is too enclosed. The purpose of this design is to protect the occupants from harsh weather and from any collisions, which may possibly occur anytime. But what are more striking about this car are its earth-friendly and zero emission features. Leiba certainly aims to provide people with a beautiful vehicle combined with aerodynamic design and earth-friendly locomotion in the midst of street traffic. So, to those who are frequently annoyed in speeding in the middle of the traffic jam, Leiba is the right car to drive. This vehicle is also convenient to drive into the shopping mall. And if the traffic space appears to be so crowded, the owner only needs to look for a small space enough for its size. Then, presto! You can already park this auto without requiring you a high parking cost. Now, don’t think Leiba is too little too hold your baggages. This may appear little but this is not little enough to hold the shopping bags or any other luggage. With Leiba, what is supposed to be the budget for gas can be used as a budget for the milk to strengthen the bone to do more pedaling (Lol). Seriously, this is a good aid to spare one’s purse from the increasing price of the gas today. Leiba is certainly good means of transportation that is not only earth-friendly but is also healthy for the driver. Hence, we can note that this vehicle is wonderfully designed as for everyday life.
However, some sees the possible drawback in using Leiba. Some say this can be mistaken as a bare sidecar. This is also viewed too little in size for the heavy vehicles too notice. Good thing, the makers of Leiba have already presumed the possibilities of those drawbacks. To counteract such threat the makers of this velomobile designed it with a compartment made of fiber reinforced plastic FRP. This is also crafted from light and top-grade materials such as aluminum. These designs make this vehicle capable to take 50 km/h with solid muscle power (So, instead of injecting gas into the fuel tank to run the auto, this velomobile require one to inject some form of vitamin to the human body to power-up this vehicle. Hence, people who will be driving this car need enough fitness preconditioned.)
Before I alarm those beauty conscious, allow me to say that there is actually nothing much to fear for consequences of constant pedaling. Pedaling this automobile will not actually trigger varicose veins or build too much leg muscle since this is equipped with numerous gear ratios. These gears make pedaling less hassle and therefore require less effort. But to those lazy bums who really do not want to pedal but wants this car, they have another option. They only need to fit an electric motor to this auto, then, they can freely roam around the city without stretching a leg muscle.
Carbon Emissions Causes Baldness Too

The medicine explained that almost 90 percent of pattern baldness in men is caused by aging. This has something to do with genes too. In some instances though, men losses their hair due to medical conditions or lack of hair care.
However, the study at the University of London shows that the carbon emissions can also cause baldness. Hence, this man in the picture can blame air pollution for what happened to his hair.
According to the researchers of this study, men who dwell in greatly polluted areas can experience baldness sooner compared to the men who dwell in less polluted areas. Study shows that carcinogens and toxins from air pollution can worsen the hair condition as it hinders the mechanisms that generate protein. Protein is the substance in which the hair is familiar. Now, pollution serves as the particulate that blocks the proteins way into the bloodstream.
According to Mike Philpott from the
The Fantasy Aptera is Soon to Take the Road
So, what is more special with this car aside from its very distinctive look? And why does this appears this way? Well, if you think this was sleekly design just for the sake of uniqueness, you are definitely wrong. Believe me; I was also wrong before (Lol). This auto, which is called Aptera Typ 1, appears very futuristic because this was purposely design as a low-drag vehicle—not just for the sake of aesthetics.
Aptera Typ 1 is a successful study in advanced aerodynamics. This auto was designed with embedded body panels, windshield wipers, and even glass to significantly reduce drag. Cool right?! And Oh-oh, this is not solely nifty in the exterior but also nifty inside. This is equipped with side and rear video cameras, replacing the side and rear view mirrors. This is also equipped with solar cells on top as an internal climate control and force warm log cabin air out at the back of the auto to decrease drag and improve efficiency.
More importantly, the mileage of this electric car can range to 120 mile or roughly 300 miles-per-gallon if converted into a plug-in hybrid. And this is sold for below $30,000 only. Great isn’t? Additionally, this can be charged for just a few hours. Aptera can be charged into 10-kilowatt lithium-ion battery packs. Meantime, Aptera is taking a refundable amount of $500 reservations on their website. So, if you are a lover of uniqueness, you gotta grab your Aptera reservation soon.
From Trash to Treasure
Thinking that there are plenty of vehicles and produced vehicles on earth, I wonder where they will be piled up once they reach the stage of corrosion.
Now, I came to understand, in a deeper sense, the drive of EU to turn the 85 percent of the vehicles as recyclable at the end of their lifespan. The question is how can they be recycled? Well, I had a hard grasped on it before until I came into the site ofUncommongoods. They have created a series of beer and wine glasses. These glasses are handmade from the windshields of old vehicles. Not that alone, they also designed drink coasters to protect your coffee table. These drink coasters are made from recycled road signs. Amazing isn’t? I never thought this road signs can serve such purpose. Oops! Not yet over. After the days work you can also rest in a distinctive speed chair crafted from recycled speed limit signs.
I just hope the Uncommongoods will be able to recycle the entire materials that make up the vehicles. But with their creativity, they may possibly make it.